Logistical Staff Positions:
Fields & Facilities Liaison - Make all arrangements for the use of all fields and facilities that the Club uses annually.
Equipment Manager - Manages and maintains a running inventory of all equipment used by the Club.
A Sports Engine account is required. If you're interested in volunteering, first click here to create an account, or click here to log into your existing account.
Click here to register
Our incentive program is as follows:
ALL players are paid registrations. Upon completion of seasonal work:
Volunteer coaches who have children participating will receive one (1) refunded player registration fee for each team coached. Funds will be disbursed post season, once all equipment has been returned.
Volunteer Board of Directors / Staff members who have children participating will receive one (1) refunded player registration fee. Funds will be disbursed post season once all seasonal duties are completed.
Volunteers who hold more than one (1) job with the Club (coach, Board/Staff) qualify for a free registration for the number of children equal to the number of jobs they hold. Volunteers do NOT have to be parents. Grandparents, aunts & uncles can volunteer and pass that free registration on to their relative child.